Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Print Shop

It provides homeless and at risk youth the opportunity to learn fundamental work and life skills. The Print Shop is located at Eve's Phoenix- see Exhibit 1 for a description of Eva Smith and her vision. The youth are paid entry-level wages and are accountable for duties and responsibilities that mirror those of most printing operations. Even before the youth are hired, they Job shadow to get an appreciation of working in the graphic communication industry. The Print Shop is based on a blended value proposition which entails social, economic and environmental dimensions.It is dedicated to â€Å"continuing asset building† so that the youth can come self-sufficient in the long term. Success is achieved if both the youth and the Print Shop develop self-sufficiency. Operations The Print Shop specializes in â€Å"trainee- friendly' print work, typically small format Job printing (1 1†³ x 17† and under) in one color and 2-3 spot color reproduction. It can work with most g raphic design software programs. In-house graphic design work is also available. Commercial projects Include business cards, letterhead, business cards, forms and brochures.Finishing services Include trimming, folding, scoring, perforating and shrink- wrapping. The Print Shop occupies 800 square feet In Eve's Phoenix. It has four presses: an A. B. DiCk 360, an A. B. DiCk 9810, a Heidelberg CM. 46 and a Multiple 1 250, all with color heads, and other donated equipment. Michael Ralph joined the Print Shop as its business manager after a long career in advertising. His role is to manage the systems, the people and the business opportunities of the Print Shop. His challenge is â€Å"to make sure that the fine line between training needs and business demands is relatively constant. The Print Shop is supported by an advisory board which includes senior members of the graphic communications industry. The board revised advice on curriculum, employment opportunities and technology. See Exhi bit 2 for the members of the advisory board as well as the Print Shop's organizational context. The Print Shop participates actively In the graphic communications Industry; for example, It has had booths at trade shows. Curriculum training and counseling for three weeks; 2. They get on-the-Job print shop training for 20 weeks; and -2- 3. They make Job connections and career development in the last four weeks.They learn fundamental employability work habits (e. G. , team work, attendance, punctuality and safety) as well as a customer service orientation. Youth learn about the graphic communications industry and go on tours of organizations so that they can see where they might work after graduation. The Print Shop brings in peer mentors to assist both the trainees and the instructors with training and production. The peer mentors are themselves Print Shop graduates. Once the youth graduate, they stay connected to the Print Shop through a two year follow-up program.They receive traini ng in Job planning and organization, prepares using various software programs on both PC and Macintosh platforms, small offset press operation and binding and finishing. The program is delivered by two well experienced faculty, Patrick Fisher and Bill Kid, who work part-time. They have a deep appreciation of the challenges that their students have faced in the past and are patient and flexible in how they deliver the curriculum. Outcomes The Print Shop started production in 2002. It trained ten youth in print shop and small business skills – six graduated and four were employed.In 2003, all 1 1 graduates have gone on to graphic communications programs or to commercial print shops. While four lost their opportunities, two have been re-employed. Graduates eave become press helpers and operators and production assistants, earning between $8. 00 and $14. 00 an hour. Every year, a graduate is awarded the Toronto Club Printing House Craftsman's Student Award. In 2003, the Print Sho p had revenues of $50,000, achieving 30 per cent business cost classificatory. It got 80 per cent of its work from other community organizations and 20 per cent from ‘caring corporations'.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Farewell to Arms †Existentialism Essay

Ernest Hemingway’s ‘A Farewell to Arms’ explores notions surrounding both love and war. However it is not a love story, and nor is it a war story. It is a combination of both that allows for Hemingway to discuss what he is truly interested in: Existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophy that developed from the concept that there is no inherent meaning in life. However, we can create meaning. A Farewell to Arms is an exploration of this, but more than that, it’s an exploration of the reality of this in that; meaning in life doesn’t last forever, and when it’s gone, it leaves us with no logic and no hope, just nothingness. Hemingway uses his protagonist Frederic Henry to support his existentialist views. He does this, firstly by creating meaning in Frederic’s life. Hemingway creates Catherine for him. Their love is only a game at first, Frederic admits â€Å"God knows [he] had not wanted to fall in love with anyone. † However, it becomes so much more than that. Towards the end of the novel, if Catherine isn’t with him he â€Å"[hasn’t] a thing in the world†. Hemingway makes a point of foreshadowing this inevitable fact early on, when we are privy to Frederick’s thoughts as he contemplates that â€Å"It was a long time since [he] had written to the States and [he] knew [he] should write but [he] had let it go so long that it was almost impossible to write now. † Throughout the book, the people he associates with; Rinaldi, the men in his regiment, everyone, they all disappear. Finally, he’s left with Catherine, and their unborn baby. Other than them, he has no one. If they were to leave, he would be left alienated. Hemingway was not interested in the love story, or the war story. He was merely interested in communicating his views on the world to his readers. Predominantly, he was interested in communicating his views on existentialism. He was interested in what he considered to be reality. In reality, people die. In reality, our loved ones leave us, and in reality, when that happens there is no meaning, no logic and no hope. Hemingway demonstrates this through the climactic, yet painfully dismal ending to his piece. In bringing about the possibility that Catherine, Frederic’s only meaning in life, could die, he creates a springboard for discussing his philosophical views through Frederic. This forces us, as an audience, to contemplate upon his contention; â€Å"That was what you did. You died. You did not know what it was about. You never had time to learn. They threw you in and told you the rules and the first time they caught you off base they killed you†¦ they killed you in the end. You could count on that. † Hemingway uses his protagonist to establish this, and through Frederic’s reaction to Catherine’s death, he reveals to us the truth within his philosophy. It’s a point that is slowly built up to within A Farewell to Arms, but it’s one that hits Hemingway’s audience with a sounding resonance. The last line to his novel conveys the perfect, dismal imagery of a man with nothing left; a man who has â€Å"left the hospital and walked back to the hotel in the rain†. Throughout the whole novel ‘rain’ has symbolised loss and grief. It leaves a strong impression, making it the final last word of the novel, Frederic having now lost the last thing that made his life worthwhile. Hemingway’s entire novel is a lead up to this one point on existentialism. The world has no inherent meaning. We can create meaning within it, and any meaning that is within it has been created by us. However on the flip side of that, when the meaning that we have created is gone, there is nothing left for us to fall back on. When that meaning is gone, we’re left staring into an abyss. A Farewell to Arms is not a love story, and it’s not a war story either. It’s a comment upon the actuality of, and the nature of, existentialism as a prevailing philosophy. By creating Frederic and the characters around him, Hemingway demonstrates the logic of this theory, and he shows how when a man loses everything that he has created himself, in his life, in the end there is no more meaning, there is no logic, no hope. In the end, there is really nothing left, but the rain. Kaitlin Cushing.

Americans and Voting Essay

There is value in having and exercising the right to vote. Americans today have developed a mindset that their vote does not make a difference, and that voicing out their opinions is a waste of time. This is not the case, however, as the rights that Americans are neglecting are the same rights that our ancestors have fought for during the enforcement of the Fifteenth Amendment. The laws that affect the average individuals, the influences of various platformed parties, and the importance of voting in society exemplifies why Americans should value their right to vote. Many laws affect the American’s rights to vote as an individual. For instance, the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution states that it grants Americans the right to vote, furthermore stating that the â€Å"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.† This declares, simply and literally, that there is no discrimination in voicing out one’s opinion, no matter what the race, color, or previous condition of servitude. African Americans of the 1960’s suffered greatly from injustice and racism, thus, abolishing the discrimination within voting is extremely important and healthy for our society today. Another example is the Voting Rights Act, as it â€Å"banned the use of literacy tests, provided for federal oversight of voter registration in areas where less than 50 percent of the nonwhite population had not registered to vote, and authorized the U.S. attorney general to investigate the use of poll taxes in state and local elections† ( Along with the abolishment of direct discrimination of race, is the abolishment of indirect discrimination, such as literacy tests. The purpose of this Act is to intentionally block all types of discrimination as well as prejudice in the area of voting. Society should voice out their opinions through voting, because there are laws that protect one so they do not face injustice. Influences of various plat formed parties affect the outcomes of lawmaking bodies. An example of this would be the Democratic Party. The party has a mindset that the economy of America should be â€Å"built not from the top down, but from a growing m iddle class, and that provides ladders of opportunity for those working hard to join the middle class† ( This means that the Democratic Party aims for a country that is focused on developing the middle and lower class. A president running with a Democratic perspective can easily win the votes of the Democratic Party. Likewise, the Republican Party is based on their aim to â€Å"grow the economy . . . from the top down† ( The party has a goal that bases off of the idea that building a strong foundation of the top class will make the country better. Of course, â€Å"[voting] does not guarantee that one’s preferences will prevail, but choosing not to vote denies a person one of the key tools of having a say in a democracy† ( Once may not get the president he or she elected for, or the laws they wanted passed, but the Republican and Democratic Parties all have one mindset: ‘Make America a better country.† Therefore, nothing can go wrong with voting. Voting is a privilege that everyone should exercise because there is no wrong decision; everything is mean for the good of the country. America is run based on a democracy. This means th at our government highly considers our beliefs and opinions, and that the future political impacts on our country are going to be in the hands of the citizens who choose to take advantage of their right to vote. This expresses the importance of voting, because when we vote, we don’t just simply choose what president we are going to have; we are electing the person that decides how the government is run, the management of wars within our country, and how resources are used. Furthermore, in a country where there is a large population, it is difficult for an individual to have their voice heard. Therefore, society should consider, once again, their rights to vote because â€Å"casting a vote is the most widely understood and discreetly effective way to have one’s voice heard in American politics† ( Voting gives on the ability to voice their own outlooks on politics, in a society within a large population. Our voice, our opinions, our vote is important and valued in society. Americans should vote so that these rights and powers do not go to waste. Society today neglects and refuses to voice out their outlooks on politics, which was once a right that American ancestors have fought for. It is valuable to have and exercise the right to vote because there are laws that protect one from discrimination, it is a choice made that benefits the country no matter what the outcome, and lastly, it is the easiest, most effective, and most important way to have one’s voice heard in society. An individual’s vote is important, and it certainly is not a waste of time. Thus, Americans should  exercise their rights as a citizen of a democratic country, and vote.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Technological Determinism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Technological Determinism - Essay Example d since that society plans itself to endorse and further develop technology right after it has been introduced (Thurlow, Crispin, Lengel, Laura, Tomic 44). This paper will discuss how might technological determinism can be applied to the way that the news media, advertisers and individuals talk about the emergence of certain new communication technologies and also how technology determinism shapes how people use these technologies. This paper will generally address new technologies such as the Internet, social media services, IPTV (Internet protocol television, like Apple TV), video games, cell phones or other specific examples of your choosing. Journalists are normally overly occupied. In the field, when, at times, there is gunfire plus ever-present danger/risk, a journalist or reporter has a lot on his or her hands (Thurlow et al. 44). Not only are there demands for survival, but also there are worries concerning how the equipment will work, will internet be there and how will the report go about attempting to comprehend something maybe in a language that they do not comprehend, for instance, English journalists/reporters reporting an Arabic clash with the U.S. military (Thurlow 23). However, the social media has made this all easy. A journalist can take pictures for a far or even use already-uploaded picture of, for example, a war situation so that the public can know the matter at hand (Thurlow et al. 44). The social media has made this more effective using mobile technology wherein media houses can circulate images and anyone using a mobile can view them anywhere even without a television. Technological determinism can also be applied by advertisers and individuals to talk about the emergence of new communication technologies but advertising their products or even job vacancies to jobseekers (Thurlow 23). Today, more people use Facebook and Twitter more than they read newspapers. The normal portal, in the past, for advertising products has been through TV,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Use of Alcohol Rub in Preventing Infection Essay

The Use of Alcohol Rub in Preventing Infection - Essay Example According to Bloom, Fischer & Orme(2009) the ideology is derived from the ethical principle that is required by the clients for the most effective and possible interventions. For evidence based practice, typically, they use reviews of research on intervention effectiveness and then critically assess the reviews on the bases of validity and utility of practice. According to Children’s Workforce Development Council (2011), evidence based practice is a combination of the best external research and practitioner expertise and evaluation that is based on the evidence. I have found that evidence based practice is a way to update knowledge; essentially it can be used in different scenarios. As pointed out by McEwen and Wills (2002), evidence based nursing will fill the gap of research, theory and practice. According to him, it de-emphasizes isolated, rituals and unsystematic clinical experiences and traditions as the basis of practice. Therefore, once a nurse starts opting for evidenc e based practice, they come to know different ways through which they can use the experience of other practitioners (Cluett 2006). This is one of the basic reasons why, as an adult nurse, I prefer evidence based practice. Evidence Based Practice in Nursing: Evidence based practice, help the nurses tend to stay updated on the new discoveries (Beyea & Slattery, 2006).In my experience, I have noticed that as the nurses are sure that their decisions are based on valid information, the confidence in their practice increases, and their decisions power is increased. As cited in Barker J (2010), Pearson et al. (2008) identifies that a nurse is expected to understand the quality of evidence that is... The essay discusses three types of evidences: Systematic review is different from traditional literature review. Systematic review is a way to collect the evidence. In this method, the findings of all methodologically sound studies are summarized. The process reviews can help the practitioners to keep abreast of the medical literature. It involves the application of scientific strategies. In the nutshell, Cochrane Collaboration summaries that a systematic review is a high level overview of primary research on a particular research question that tries to identify, select, synthesize and appraise all high quality research evidence relevant to that question in order to answer it. I believe, when such a form of research is used in nursing, the decision making regarding health and the ratio to get benefits increases. In order to find that alcohol rub helps in preventing the spread of infection, different studies in this area can be reviewed. Through this, particular circumstances can be k nown in which alcoholic hand rubs must be used, and instances where it must not be made use of. Randomised controlled trails help to determine whether a cause-effect relationship exists between treatment and outcome, and to assess the cost effectiveness of a treatment. It is used to examine the effect of interventions on particular outcomes such as death or the recurrence of disease. Some consider randomizing controlled trials as the best research design. Therefore it is considered to be the most powerful type of experimental research.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Young goodman brown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Young goodman brown - Essay Example Eventually, I was able to understand its implication effectively; where I unveiled, the author had strategically twisted each aspect to bring out puritans’ Christianity hypocrisy (Zhu 60). The account is allegorical, whereby its implication entails humanity’s evil and immense desire to keep God’s precepts that, would enable people attain the promised heavenly rewards affirmed by the scriptures. The account’s protagonist besides being unable to retrace his former Christian path, he cannot deem all the people whom he esteems to be holy still venture in witchcraft (Zhu 60). This is inclusive of his wife Faith whom he had left behind, but to his surprise, she is already ahead of him. The application of diverse symbols in the entire account meant to represent diverse aspects enabled me to unveil its meaning coupled with a night journey in the forest, which represents evil. This is because witchcraft mostly its activities occur during the night, whereby darkness is an effective hiding blanket for the evil doers to conceal their true self (Zhu

Friday, July 26, 2019

Professional Profile of the Program Analyst and System Engineer Essay

Professional Profile of the Program Analyst and System Engineer - Essay Example Professional Profile of the Program Analyst and System Engineer ïÆ' ¼ Highly skilled in creating supportive technical solutions, overseeing contract administration, and facilitating effective program coordination strategies to increase workflow efficiency ïÆ' ¼ Proven ability to effectively handle multi-task levels of management responsibility with minimal direction from superiors while supervising personnel, providing team leadership, motivation, and development ïÆ' ¼ Solid communication, interpersonal, time management, analytical, organizational, and technical skills ïÆ' ¼ Experienced in Forecasting, Performance Improvement, Program Analysis, Project Management and System Engineering ïÆ' ¼ Extremely intelligent, dependable, and self-motivated with a high degree of collaborative work integrity ï‚ § I am currently working as a Senior Aviation Cost Analysis for a Business Case Study (BCS) for the Army Aviation Ground Support Equipment (AGSE) for Tool Replacement Warranty Program. ï‚ § I have worked in the position of Contract Specialist for CAS. The role involved Corporation working the AMCOM Contract at the Sparkman Center in the Acquisitions Logistic Directorate. ï‚ § Held accountable for maintaining the quality of the design, conformance, and condition of building the Boeing Delta Plant while reviewing in-plant testing for quality and recommending approval or disapproval to the Senior Quality Engineer.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Motion and grauity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Motion and grauity - Research Paper Example ys, â€Å"An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and an object at rest tends to stay at rest, unless the object is acted upon by an outside force† (Croce, pp. 38). From this explanation, it is an understanding that a body remains in motion unless some other force stops it down. From this definition, this other force can be either friction or gravity, and thus, understanding of motion itself is an efficient way of understanding the force of gravity. The second law says, â€Å"Acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables - the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object† (Quah, pp. 57). This law explains that mass and force are the two indicators that decide the rate with which the body slows or accelerates. Thirdly, Newton stated, â€Å"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction† (Quah, pp. 57). In this regard, these three laws of motion are the best ways of defining and understanding motion. Specifically, from these understandings, motion is any change that occurs in the location or place of a body with regard to time and space. In addition, it is an observation that in physics, scientists always define and explain motion with respect to different references, such as friction, gravity, time, velocity, etc. However, without gravity, there can be no definition of motion. In particular, gravity is the most fundamental concept of nature that allows objects and bodies with any mass to interact, and more specifically, attract each other (Garnow, pp. 23-25). In addition, gravity enables the objects and bodies with masses to acquire weight that results in their falling on the ground. In this regard, gravity or gravitation is the basic force that keeps existence of sun, earth, moon, etc in the universe in balanced manner, whereas, its absence would have caused irregularity in orbits of the universe. Therefore, gravity is the fundamental force that directs and manages motion of bodies and objects in the time and space (Garnow, pp.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

International Marketing - Essay Example these methods help to identify the efficiency of marketing strategies developed and implemented by the companies (Cateora, Gilly & Graham, 2009, p.7). On the other side, evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing strategies will be done through cost effectiveness business operation and growth of revenue of the companies. Before starting in-depth analysis of marketing strategies, brief overviews of the two companies need to be discussed. Overview of the two companies Procter and Gamble Procter and Gamble or P&G is one of the leading multinational consumer goods company based in America. The company headquartered in Ohio, USA and listed in New York Stock Exchange. It has successfully developed a diversified portfolio of popular brands of consumer durables. There are numbers of products in each brand and most of the products are very much popular worldwide. According annual financial report of 2011, P&G has reported revenue of $82.6 billion. Based on this performance, the company was ranked fifth position in the list of World’s most admired company by Fortune magazine. It was in sixth place in 2010. Procter and Gamble was established in 1837 by William Procter and James gamble. Throughout this glamorous history of more than 170 years, the company has grown by revenue and market share in consumer durable industry. Unique organizational culture of P&G stands for its purpose, values and principles. P&G people and P&G brands are the key foundation of P&G’s success whereas P&G consumers drive this success. Global brands of the company can be categorising in two parts. One is beauty and grooming and another is households care. In beauty and grooming categories most popular global brands are Camay, Gillette, Olay, Pantene, Old Spice, Secret etc. On the other side, Ariel, Tide, Mr. Clean, Swiffer, Febrize, Duracell, Charmin etc are most popular brands in households care category. P&G ranked 25th position in â€Å"World’s Most Innovative Companiesâ €  by Bloomberg. It is also listed in Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations by Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes. Nestle Nestle S. A. is one of the leading multinational consumer durables company in the world. It offers nutritional and health-related consumer goods. The company headquartered in Vevey, in Switzerland. Nestle is the world’s largest food company in terms of revenue and market share. Nestle has wide portfolio of popular food brands. This product portfolio includes baby food, breakfast cereals, bottled water, dairy products, coffee confectionary, ice cream, snacks and pet foods. The company has production unit in most of its foreign markets. It has more than 450 production units in 86 countries. 29 most popular brands of Nestle have contributed annual sales of more than 1.1 billion in 2011. These include Nespresso, Kitkat, Nescafe, Nesquik, Vittel, Smarties, Vittel and magi etc. Nestle is one of the largest shareholder of L’Oreal which is the largest c osmetics company in the World in terms of revenue and market share. Nestle was the merger of Anglo-Swiss Milk company and Farine Lactee

What does Castells mean by 'the space of flows' And what relevance Essay

What does Castells mean by 'the space of flows' And what relevance might this idea have for processes of globalisation - Essay Example This paper now seeks to discuss space of flows based on Castells’ description, including its relevance to the different processes of globalisation. An example will also be developed in order to illustrate this discussion. This paper is being carried out in order to understand the more contemporary application and understanding of space of flows within the context of globalisation and all its related elements. Body As was mentioned above, space is basically a tool in the expression of society (Francke and Ham, 2006). The relationship between space and society is essentially full of complications, mostly because space does not reflect society, instead, it is an expression of society (Castells, 1996). Under this context, space is not a copy of society, instead, it is a mirror of society. Spatial elements are based on the complexities of the greater social constructions. Moreover, social processes impact on space by affecting the created environment drawn from previous societal an d spatial elements (Castells, 1996). Space, based on physics cannot be determined beyond the interplay of matter. Social theory discusses that space cannot be evaluated without considering social practices and applications. Castells (1996) assesses space based on material elements and on other material resources, like people, who participate in specific social interactions and social applications. Time and space cannot be evaluated without also considering social actions. Castells (1997) discusses time-sharing social applications and he cites the fact that space considers the practices which take place simultaneously. The distance between material resources and support is no longer essential or significant. Society is built around flows, including the flow of capital resources, of data, of technology, of organizational relations, of images, sounds, as well as symbols (Castells, 1997). Flows, in other words, include various elements within social organizations which manifest the diff erent processes governing people’s lives. Castells (1997) discusses about a spatial form illustrative of social applications which impact and dominate the interactions in society; this is known as the space of flows. Space of flows refers to the â€Å"material organization of time-sharing social practices that work through flows† (Francke and Ham, 2006, p. 8). Castells (1997) also discusses flows to be purposeful and repetitive activities of interactions covering physically non-related positions applied by social actors within the various structures of society. This can also be evaluated with the use of various layers and elements of material support which when taken together make up the space of flows. The initial layer which is the initial support for the space of flows is supported by various electronic variables highlighting the material foundations of the resources significant in the interrelated fabric of society (Crang, 2002). This is considered general and tact ile support for simultaneous applications and practices. It is considered spatial form in the context of the commercial society or the industrial society. Within the context of interactions, no place can survive in isolation as its position is mostly based on flows (Crang, 2002). Places do not fade into oblivion, however their existence is often incorporated into the network. Technological resources which support the network also support the new space. The second layer in the space of flow

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ethics and Social Responsibility Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics and Social Responsibility - Case Study Example Whereas a typical retail outlet occupies a floor plan of over 4500 square feet, Nau is able to squeeze its product offerings into a minimal 2700 square feet; sometimes even less if one considers the kiosks (to be discussed next) as stores (DesMarteau, 2007). Furthermore, the firm has also allocated 5% of all proceeds to be donated to charities that work to save and protect the environment. The firm refers to this practice as â€Å"aggressive altruism† and notes that most other firms consider 1% donated to charities to be the â€Å"gold standard† (Salkever, 2008). Although this serves to effect a higher price for the customers, it is doubtless that Nau has performed extensive market research and has determined that the target demographic it is appealing to finds this â€Å"aggressive altruism† to be a unique and endearing concept of how the firm does business. Additionally Nau has employed the use of internet kiosks in which customers can try on an array of different clothing and then purchase it from a self serve internet enabled kiosk. This serves to drastically reduce necessary floor space as well as reduce the costs associated with having employees attending to the needs of each and every customer (O’Connell, 2007). However, this practice is not without its unique drawbacks as will be analyzed in the preceding paragraph. It should be noted that although this has the benefit of providing the product to the customer at a lower cost and at a lower environmental impact, the tangential affect of this is that fewer jobs are available to the local economy. Therefore the increased profitability is not injected back into the community as with other similar retailers. Instead, this extra money that is saved on the general lack of store employees most likely finds its way into an increased bottom line for the firm. Although this may seem to be an unimportant

Monday, July 22, 2019

Romantic or Real Essay Example for Free

Romantic or Real Essay Romanticism cannot be identified with a single style, technique, or attitude, but romantic painting is generally characterized by a highly imaginative and subjective approach, emotional intensity, and a dreamlike or visionary quality. Romantic art characteristically strives to express by suggestion, states of feeling too intense, mystical, or elusive to be clearly defined. Realism, on the other hand, is an attempt to describe human behavior and surroundings or to represent figures and objects exactly as they act or appear in life. Attempts at realism have been made periodically throughout history in all the arts; the term is, however, generally restricted to a movement that began in the mid-19th century, in reaction to the highly subjective approach of romanticism. The works of John Constable and Honorà © Daumier show the great differences in Romantic characteristics and Realist characteristics, both with the subjects they painted and the styles that they used to paint. John Constable was an English painter who was known for his landscape painting in the romantic style (Encarta). Constable was a leader in presenting an idealized image of rural life and nature. He infused quiet English landscapes with profound feeling. Constables The Hay Wain is a countryside scene. It helped to add features to the romantic motifs, such as streams, country cottages, and farmland scenes (Matthews and Platt 465). One could almost hear the wind blowing through the trees and sound of running water. The visionary or dreamlike quality is portrayed in this painting with the use of natural coloring and lighting. He was known to focus on the intangible qualities, like the conditions of light, sky and atmosphere, than with the concrete details of a scene. He achieved a freshness of vision through the use of luminous colors and bold, thick brushwork. With the play of individual imagination, Constable gave expression to emotion and mood. Honorà © Daumier was a French painter who focused on the realistic themes of everyday life (Encarta). Unlike the themes of Constable and Romanticism, Daumier wanted to be realistic and paint everyday events involving ordinary people. In his painting The Third Class Carriage, Daumier displays the  everyday middle class peasants on a train. He does not give each person individual characteristics but instead uses stereotypes (Matthews Platt 498). He uses dark, muted colors instead of luminous colors like Constable. His free brushwork gives the painting an almost unfinished quality. He also chooses to focus on the separateness of each traveler even though they are all so close together in this small train car. There is no imagination at work here; this is strictly a painting of everyday life as Daumier sees it. Romanticism and Realism are like night and day. One shows the imagination at work and the other focuses on the harsh reality of the everyday world. Constable and Daumier use two different styles of painting. Constable uses luminous colors and bold brushwork to bring his painting the The Hay Wain together as a whole, while Daumier with his dark tones and free brushwork chooses to separate his subjects in The Third Class Carriage. Works Cited Constable, John and Daumier, Honorà ©. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2001. 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation. . Matthews, Roy T., and F. DeWitt Platt. The Western Humanities. 4th ed. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 2001.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Case study of bipolar disorder sufferer

Case study of bipolar disorder sufferer People with bipolar disorder have extreme mood swings (symptoms). They can go from feeling as if they are on top of the world, hyperactive, creative, and grandiose- mania to feeling very sad, despairing, helpless, worthless, and hopeless -depression. This disease is called bipolar disorder because the mood of a person with bipolar disorder can alternate between two completely opposite poles, euphoric happiness and extreme sadness. The extremes of mood usually occur in cycles, in between these mood swings, people with bipolar disorder are able to function normally, hold a job, and have a normal family life. The episodes of mood swings tend to become closer together with age. When a person is in the grip of this disease, chaos can occur. Bipolar disorder can cause major disruption of family and finances, loss of job, and marital problems. In Jims case he becomes completely dependant of his parents. Because of the extreme and risky behaviour that goes with bipolar disorder, it is very important that the disorder be identified. With proper and early diagnosis, this mental condition can be treated. Bipolar disorder is a long-term illness that will require proper management for the duration of a persons life. Jim is in his mid fifths and he still live with his parents, whose are in their late seventies. He is the only child and his parents overprotect him over the years owing to that he became completely de-skilled, dis-empowered and total dependant. He is not able to negotiate and he was not included in family discussions to show his opinion. The only way that he has to show that he is not happy is by screaming and crying. Jim definitely also suffers from Eternal child syndrome, also know as Peter Pan syndrome, and is to blame his parents who been treated him like a child all his life. Psychologists warn that overprotective parents can be responsible for this disorder as this prevents them from developing necessary skills to confront life. Jim chronologically grows older but in truth he has not grown up. Like Peter Pan he breaks societal norms to serve their own purposes and do not care much for the feelings and rights of his parents. He wants all the power but is not willing to share the responsibilities, not ready to sacrifice and reject moral structures which are part of mature adulthood. As the World Health Organization has not yet recognized Peter Pan Syndrome as a psychological disorder, the syndrome is not currently considered a psychopathology. Psychologists make a clear distinction between Peter Pan Syndrome and other, more serious, mental conditions involving adults who behave as children both emotionally and mentally. This is because it is often found that people suffering from Peter Pan Syndrome are mentally fully developed adults who often carry professional activities requiring strong intellectual skills. This syndrome is often associated with narcissism, although not in a negative way, self-centered sense. They are attracted to introspection in an attempt to find that imaginative comfort inside their own minds. On a positive sense this characteristic is seen as being in touch with the unbridled imaginational freedom of childhood. While succumbing to the prescribed order of things, most people forget all that they knew as an idealistic child, the eternal child is able to draw from their own raw, creative energy to remind us of how colorful life really is. Men suffering from the Peter Pan Syndrome display the following traits in their relationship with parents: Are obsessed with their mothers Have estranged relationship with the father They believe that it is not possible to obtain the fathers love and approval They have difficulty interacting with figures of authority Are not mature emotionally Exhibit silly behavior Hide their inner insecurity with macho attitude Males diagnosed with having this syndrome were found to exhibit the following psychological traits: Either exaggerated or paralyzed emotions Anger taking extreme form of rage Joy turning into hysteria Disappointment grows and develops into depression or self-pity As a result males diagnosed with this syndrome find it difficult to express love, refuse to share feelings, feel guilty and have difficulty relaxing. Men with Peter Pan Syndrome find it difficult to make genuine friends and as a result feel desperately alone. They dont feel sorry for inappropriate actions but blame others for their shortcoming. Males diagnosed with having this syndrome were found to exhibit the following psychological traits: Either exaggerated or paralyzed emotions Anger taking extreme form of rage Joy turning into hysteria Disappointment grows and develops into depression or self-pity As a result males diagnosed with this syndrome find it difficult to express love, refuse to share feelings, feel guilty and have difficulty relaxing and find difficult to make genuine friends and as a result feel desperately alone. This has a huge impact in Jims parents who are finding difficult to cope with all this matters, especially in during the winter. They are gradually worried about their ability to cope and what will happen with Jim when they die. They might feel a host of emotions: distress, vulnerability, anger, guilt and, surely they probably are exhausted. As an informal carer for several years, Jims parents revolved all their life on him, they devoted all their live to him. Like Jim who does not has friends (apart form his parents friends), some people that experienced the same condition as him generally have a very limited social network as well, and normally the people that they interact are mainly informal careers. 4 First of all Jims parents have take him to GP and if he is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the GP will refer him to a psychiatrist (a medically qualified mental health specialist), psychotherapist and /or CPN. At his appointment he will be given an assessment. The psychiatrist will ask him a number of questions to determine whether or not he has bipolar disorder and, if he has, what treatments will be most suitable for you. He will be asked about his symptoms and when he first experienced them. The psychiatrist will also ask him, about how he, usually feel leading up to, and during, an episode of mania, or depression, and whether he has had thoughts about harming yourself or others. The psychiatrist will also want to find out about his medical background and his family history in order to determine whether any of your relatives has had bipolar disorder. If someone else in his family had the condition, the psychiatrist may wish to talk to them. After the assessment the psychiatrist will prescribe the right drugs and refer him to a psychotherapist. Psychotherapists work with individuals, couples, families and groups to help them overcome a range of psychological and emotional issues. With the client as an active participant, psychotherapists use personal treatment plans and a variety of non-medical-based treatments to: address the clients thought processes, feelings and behaviour; understand inner conflicts; find new ways to deal with, and alleviate, distress They take a variety of approaches according to the theoretical models they adopt and the therapy they practice. These talking therapies include: cognitive behavioural therapies; psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapies; humanistic and integrative psychotherapies; systemic therapies; hypno-psychotherapy; experiential constructivist therapies. Community Psychiatric nurses (CPNs) would be helpful to Jim as they can visit him in his new house and provide him support through the difficult periods of his illness, they also will see him when is well to check that everything is okay and be the first point of contact if he becomes unwell again. The CPN will help Jim with his medication and make sure that he understands what he should be taking and when. They also help patients family (in this case Jims parents) and careers understand and cope with the illness. Jim and his parents would benefit of Occupational therapists (OTs) as well. An occupational therapist can have many different roles. They will help Jim and his parents (when he moves out of his parents house) to adapt to the new environment and to cope with their daily life .OTs may work in hospitals or in the community. They supervise and assess a persons ability to look after themselves, e.g. self-care, cooking and housework, I would like point out that Jim does not know how to cook, clean or do his laundry. . OTs work with both individuals and groups. They can set goals for individuals with depression to encourage them to achieve more than they have been able to do while ill. They might get patients involved in specific job-related training schemes to improve their decision making and planning about the future. Group work is often aimed at increasing peoples social interactions. OTs may use many different types of therapy on an individual or group basis, including cognitive behavi oural therapy and art and music therapy. They may also be involved in providing relaxation training to patients referred to them by the mental health team or GPs. Social workers are employed by social services rather than the health service. However, most mental health social workers are based in multidisciplinary community mental health teams. Social workers may see patients referred to the team by GPs. They are likely to be involved if patients have social problems, such as housing, money and work. They may provide counselling and advice or more specific therapies. They may control access to some services such as day centres, respite care, residential care and other community support services, eg home helps. A social worker will also provide Jim a supported tenancy service which will help and teach him how to gain his independence and improve his quality of life.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Measuring Happiness Levels in Mumbai: Methodology

Measuring Happiness Levels in Mumbai: Methodology Methodology Happiness has been defined either as a broad notion of how one feels about their life in general or as an emotional or affective state. Depending on the way researchers define the concept, there have been variable attempts at measurement. With decades of research, we have a better understanding of how to measure the happiness of others. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods appears to be most productive. (Helm, 2000) This chapter illustrates the methodology followed, tools used and ethical guidelines followed during the study. The following are the research objectives of the study. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES To determine the level of happiness among the residents of Mumbai To assess the mental healthcare facilities in the city To find out If there is any correlation between mental health and happiness among the residents of Mumbai On the basis of these research objectives, the following methodology was formulated. Quantitative measurement of happiness Over the past two decades there have been an increasing number of quantitative studies of happiness and well-being. In particular, there have been ongoing debates on whether happiness can be measured, whether it should be measured, how it should be measured and what are the factors affecting it (Ballas Tranmer, 2012).Psychologists and sociologists have used subjective questions regarding individuals’ happiness for over three decades. Cantril (1965) developed a question for life satisfaction. Similar question modules include the Likert (1932)-scale and the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). See also Bradburn (1969). The answer to these subjective questions has been indiscriminately termed ‘happiness’, ‘general satisfaction’ and ‘subjective well-being’. In the GSOEP the satisfaction question is: Please answer by using the following scale in which 0 means totally  unhappy, and 10 means totally happy. How happy are you at present with your life as a whole? Here, we call the response to this question the General Satisfaction (GS) level of the respondent. In this case, there are 11 numerical categories, but the question has also been posed with 7 or 5 categories or with verbal labels, such as ‘very happy/happy/so-so/somewhat unhappy/very unhappy’. The end result is invariably an ordered categorical evaluation of the quality of life of the individual.(Ferrer-i-Carbonell Frijters, 2004).The survey context, such as question order, introductory text and the survey source, can influence respondents’ understanding of individual questions within a survey, as well as the information that they draw on in order to answer those questions. In quantitative measurement, we measure the overall subjective well begin by quantifying certain constructs and concepts given below. Measurement of subjective well being Eudemonic questions like show happy are you with your life and how satisfied are you with your life have been asked to be rated on a cantril ladder. Subjective wellbeing is a broad category of phenomena that includes people’s emotional responses, domain satisfactions and global judgements of life satisfaction. Each of the specific constructs need to be understood in their own right ,yet the components often correlate substantially suggesting the need for the higher order factor.(Diener, Suh, Lucas, Smith, 2013). Quality of life is a broad term covering those aspects of overall well-being that are not captured only by material conditions(OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, 2013). 12 different constructs were identified and worked upon to generate questions. The constructs namely are: education, employment, family, gender, health/lifestyle, personality/self-efficacy, relationships, work-life balance, communal living housing/income. Employment status – employment status is known to have a large influence on subjective  Well-being, with unemployment in particular associated with a strong negative impact on  measures of life satisfaction.(OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, 2013). Hence 9 questions have been formulated on employment. Both physical and mental health are correlated with measures of subjective well-being (Dolan, Peasgood and White, 2008), and there is evidence that changes in disability status cause changes in life satisfaction (Lucas, 2007). Although health status is complex to measure in household surveys, there is a large pool of well-developed measures available, such as the health state descriptions from the World Health Survey (WHO, 2012), or more specialised question modules, such as the GHQ-12 for mental health (Goldberg et al., 1978). Environmental quality is inherently a geographic phenomenon, and integrating datasets on environmental quality with household level data on life satisfaction is costly. Nonetheless, there is some evidence that noise pollution (Weinhold, 2008) and air pollution (Dolan, Peasgood and White, 2008) have a significant negative impact on life satisfaction(OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, 2013). Hence by merging both, 14 questions have been formulated beneath the heading Health/Lifestyle. There is significant evidence that aspects of work/life balance impact on subjective well-being, in particular commuting (Frey and Stutzer, 2008; Kahneman and Kruger, 2006), and time spent caring for others(OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, 2013). To gauge its effect, 4 questions have been formulated on it. Education and skills have obvious interest both as variables for cross-classification and because there is good evidence that education is associated with subjective well-being at a bivariate level(OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, 2013). To understand the effect and views of the respondent on education, 7 questions have been formulated. Generalised trust in others as well as more domain specific measures of neighbourhood and workplace trust are crucial factors when accounting for variation in subjective well-being(OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, 2013).Social contact is one of the most important drivers of subjective well-being, as it has a large impact both on life evaluations and on affect(OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, 2013). 5 questions have been formulated under communal living. One of the most consistent and robust findings in the field of subjective well-being (SWB) is that the components of SWB are moderately related to personality. Like personality traits, SWB is consistent across situations and is stable across the life span, even after the occurrence of intervening life events(Diener Lucas, 1999). 7 questions have been formulated on personality. Subjective sexual well-being refers to the perceived quality of an individual’s sexuality, sexual life, and sexual relationships. We focus primarily on evaluations of sexuality in terms of satisfaction judgments, which have been central for studying the concept of overall wellbeing(Laumann et al., 2006). Some of these questions have been asked under relationships (4). The relationship and effect of familial relations, housing and income has also been captured by asking 8 questions on it. Satisfaction with life scale The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) was originally developed by Diener, Emmons, Larsen and Griffin (1985), and was intended as a brief assessment of an individual’s general sense of satisfaction with their life as a whole. Although the SWLS includes only five items, it has demonstrated good psychometric characteristics.(Pavot Diener, 2008) The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS; Diener, Emmons, Larsen, Griffin,  1985) is a widely used measure of life satisfaction. The SWLS consists of five items  which are rated on a seven-point Likert-type response scale? Scores on the SWLS vary  from 5 to 35 and can be compared with the scores of an international norm group (see  Pavot Diener, 2008). According to Pavot and Diener (2008), various studies confirmed  the internal consistency of the SWLS (with alpha coefficients varying from .79  to .89) (Rothmann, 2013) The authors began the development of the SWLS by generating a pool of 48 items intended to reflect life satisfaction and well-being. From this original pool of items, factor analysis was used to identify 10 items with high loadings (0.60 or above) on a common factor interpreted as global evaluations of a person’s life. After the elimination of redundancies, this group of items was then further reduced to five items, with minimal effect on the alpha reliability of the scale. A 7-point Likert style response scale (ranging from 1 ¼strongly disagree to 7 ¼strongly agree) was utilized in order to afford respondents an array of response options. The five items are all keyed in a positive direction, so the five responses can simply be added to arrive at a total score for the scale. The possible range of scores is therefore 5 to 35, with a score of 20 representing the neutral point on the scale. Scores between 5 and 9 indicate that the respondent is extremely dissatisfied with lif e, whereas scores ranging between 31 and 35 indicate that the respondent is extremely satisfied with life. Scores between 21 and 25 represent slightly satisfied, and scores from 15 to 19 are interpreted as falling in the slightly dissatisfied range(Pavot Diener, 2008). Quality of life has become a primary concern in the evaluation of both the quality and outcome of health care (Moons, Budts, De Geest, 2006). In a review of different conceptual approaches of quality of life, Moons et al. (2006) found life satisfaction to be the most adequate and appropriate conceptualization, as it successfully addresses all of the conceptual problems they examined with regard to health-related quality of life.(Pavot Diener, 2008). In most ways my life is close to my ideal 1. Strongly disagree. 2. Disagree. 3. Slightly agree. 4. Neither agrees nor disagrees. 5. Slightly agree. 6. Agree. 7. Strongly agree. The conditions of my life are excellent 1. Strongly disagree. 2. Disagree. 3. Slightly agree. 4. Neither agrees nor disagrees. 5. Slightly agree. 6. Agree. 7. Strongly agree. I am satisfied with my life. 1. Strongly disagree. 2. Disagree. 3. Slightly agree. 4. Neither agrees nor disagrees. 5. Slightly agree. 6. Agree. 7. Strongly agree. So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. 1. Strongly disagree. 2. Disagree. 3. Slightly agree. 4. Neither agrees nor disagrees. 5. Slightly agree. 6. Agree. 7. Strongly agree. If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. 1. Strongly disagree. 2. Disagree. 3. Slightly agree. 4. Neither agrees nor disagrees. 5. Slightly agree. 6. Agree. 7. Strongly agree. Rating scale There are multiple scales, questionnaires and inventories of happiness. The following tools are mere examples: the Oxford Happiness Inventory, the Depression-Happiness Scale and the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale Of Happiness. These scales and other contain multiple items, most frequently from 10-130 items. A plethora of studies on happiness have used single item self-rating scales with different options , mainly the Likert scale which offers 5 or 7 choice point.(Abdel-Khalek, 2006). Much quantitative research within psychology relies upon the use of numerical scales and in the main Likert scales have emerged as the dominant measurement tool(Ogden Lo, 2012). Although providing respondents with a rating scale may seem straightforward, there  are many ways in which response formats can vary. There may be differences in the response formats that may be optimal for evaluative, eudemonic and affective measures. Evaluative and eudemonic measures are similar to attitude measures in that it may be preferable for the response format to contain information about both the direction of feeling (positive/neutral/negative or agree/disagree), as well as its intensity (strong-weak). In the case of affect measures, it is often desirable to measure positive and negative affective states separately. Thus, rather than asking about the direction (positive-neutral-negative) of affect, respondents are often given a single adjective (e.g. happy) and asked to describe either the intensity or the frequency with which they felt  that way within a given time period. This may in turn have implications for the optimal  number of response options, as well as response scale labelling and anchoring. There is, however, considerable debate around the optimal number of response  categories – and a very wide range of opinions is available in the literature (Weng, 2004,  for a brief summary). This number will depend on respondents’ information-processing  capacities and preferences, survey mode, scale labelling, and, to some extent, presentational  concerns and questionnaire length. Increasing the number of response categories beyond  the optimal length could result in loss of information, increased error and decreased  reliability, because the individual scale points will mean less to respondents. The increased  response burden associated with longer scales may also lead respondents to become less  motivated to optimise and more likely to satisfice in their answers, thus also increasing the  risk of response biases and error Bradburn et al. (2004) argue that, due to the burden on memory and attention, five categories is the maximum number that a respondent can process in a verbal interview setting (telephone or face-to-face) without visual prompts. Furthermore, when the response categories are qualitatively different from one another (rather than being imagined on a sliding scale), these authors suggest that four categories should be the upper maximum. On the other hand, Alwin and Krosnick (1991) indicate that respondents may prefer to have response options denoting weak, moderate and strong negative and positive evaluations (i.e. a 7-point scale) in part because these are the categories that people often use to describe attitudes and opinions in everyday life. For evaluative measures with numerical response scales, longer scales (up to around  11 scale points) often appear to perform better. Using a multi-trait-multi-method  design, Alwin found that across all 17 domains of life satisfaction measured, the 11-point scales had higher reliabilities than the 7-point scales. In 14 out of 17 cases, the 11-point scales also had higher validity coefficients; and in 12 of 17 cases, 11-point scales had lower invalidity coefficients, indicating they were affected less, rather than more, by method variance – I.e. systematic response biases or styles. This overall finding is supported by Saris et al. (1998) who used a similar multi-trait-multi-method analysis to compare 100-point, 4 or 5-point and 10-point satisfaction measures, and found that the 10-point scale demonstrated the best reliability. For affect measures, one might be interested in measuring either the intensity of feeling  or the frequency with which that feeling occurred. Measures of recently-experienced affect  are less like attitude measures, in that one is effectively asking respondents to remember a  specific experience or to sum experiences over a specific time period. The method adopted for this study due to paucity of time and level of research expected from us at master’s level is using a 7 point scale for affect measures and using cantril ladder for eudemonic measures. The 7 point scale ranged from strongly disagrees to strongly agree. Background characteristics Questions on the respondent’s background characteristics were collected in the beginning of the questionnaire. Information such as the following was collected. Age Gender Marital status Religion Education Work status Family income Number of years residing in Mumbai Native state Number of family members Number of earning members in family No of rooms in house Ownership of house Qualitative measurement of happiness One open ended question was asked in the beginning of the questionnaire i.e. what does happiness means to you? The aim was to explore what people equate happiness with and how does it affect their overall living. The use of qualitative assessment methods, such as open- ended questions, provides information about the participants’ perceptions, views and beliefs in their own terms, in contrast to using outside researchers’ definitions and categories, which is typical of quantitative inquiries (Denzin and Lincoln 2000). Qualitative data show an additional crucial feature: it is possible to convert them into quantitative scales for purposes of statistical analyses(Fave, Brdar, Freire, Vella-Brodrick, Wissing, 2010). The entire questionnaire was formulated in the following way Data collection sampling Some surveys with the household as the unit of measure rely on a single respondent (such  as the head of household) to provide responses for the household as a whole. This cannot be  used for measures of subjective well-being, since the cognitive process of evaluating and  responding with respect to one’s own subjective well-being is very different to that of providing an estimate of another householder’s state of mind. Responses to questions on subjective wellbeing are inherently personal, and consequently the unit of measure for subjective well-being must be the individual. While this will typically not be an issue for surveys where the individual is the primary unit of analysis(OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, 2013). The two modes most commonly used to collect information on subjective well-being are Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI), conducted by an interview over the telephone, and Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), where the interviewer is personally present when recording the data.(OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, 2013) Due to paucity of time, the mode was data collection was paper and pen method. The respondents were allowed to take the questionnaire home for a day and could be collected later based on their discretion. The sampling universe was people who had lived in Mumbai for more than 5 years and was targeted at literate working population. The sampling method chose was convenience sampling and the sample size is 200. Confidentiality and ethics Initially the respondents were informed about the purpose of the study and the collector’s identity and her affiliation to the institute. The confidentiality of the participants was not disclosed at any point during the course of the research. Furthermore, the respondents were assured that their responses would be used for academic purposes only.

Mind Control :: essays research papers

It is possible to control your mental and physical well being by controlling your thoughts and emotions. This is true for the following reasons. First, people can change the environment they are in and the people they are surrounded by in order to change their mood. Second, we are aware of what makes us sad and what makes us happy, so that enables us to control our emotions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people are aware of their emotions, whether that is happy or sad. We have become accustomed to these emotions and understand what we need to do in order to change the way we are feeling. When people experience many different situations, whether they are uncomfortable or excited, they become familiar to being able to adapt or leave the situation and completely change their attitude when entering another. When we feel sad, we have different ways of cheering ourselves up. Some just relax while others will play a sport to run or play off the stress they hold. We all have our individual ways to changes our attitudes and perspectives towards different situations. We all have become familiar with our personalities so we are able to control our emotions and thoughts, which makes up our mental well being.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We are well aware of what makes us sad and what makes us happy, so that enables us to control our emotions. Everyone has grown accustomed and familiar with Ortiz 2 their emotions. We have been able to do studies to determine what can change our moods. Most people have great control over their emotions, and so doing certain things assists us by helping change our mood. People have come to the conclusion that â€Å"there are many number if things you can do to brighten your spirits and pull yourself out of a mood rut†. They suggest many different things such as watching a funny movie, which can put you in a high spirits and make you cheerful. Another suggestion is to play happier role because the roles you play tend to become a reality. â€Å"Since lights affect your moods, especially the absence of light in the winter, you should surround yourself with plenty of bright light†. And there are more, listening to music and talking to your friends are great ways to brighten a mood.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Great Gatsby and the American Dream :: Literary Analysis, F. Scott Fitzgerald

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby depicts the 1920’s Jazz Age, and how society operates under the influence of the American Dream. Society during this time period consists of huge hopes and dreams for improvement of the self. In The Great Gatsby, the American Dream hides behind a mirage of beauty and splendor, buy in reality the corruption and illusions within this dream entice Americans to become drawn into its web of lies, deceit, and greed. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald strongly criticizes the American Dream (Seschachari 1). Fitzgerald shows readers the American Dream in this time period is centered on romanticism, material items, youth, and an emergence of selfishness (Seschachari 2). People value tangible items over strong moral values. A life of extravagance, however, does not always come without repercussions. People in this society live in a pretend world of beauty, but in reality the American Dream is a defective illusion. In the American Dream, equality is an impossible feat and even though Americans have an abundance of opportunities, people will always be suppressed from true achievement (Hearne 191). Meyer Wolfshiem, a corrupt business man, represents how disillusioned the American Dream is. His mannerisms reek of brutality, yet he sits pleasantly in a restaurant while exchanging pleasantries with Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway (Hearne 192). Fitzgerald writes, â€Å"A small, flat-nosed Jew raised his large head and regarded me with two fine growths of hair which luxuriated in either nostril. After a moment I discovered his tiny eyes in the half-darkness† (Fitzgerald 69). (Check how to quote) Also, Wolfsheim boasts his cuff buttons are actual human molars; nevertheless, Wolfshiem is regarded by Jay Gatsby as a pleasant gentlemen. This demonstrates the faà §ade of brutality that Wolfshiem portrays. Wolfshiem ultimately represents corruption in the American Dream (Hearne 192). Fitzgerald’s ultimate goal in writing The Great Gatsby is to shed light on the illusions in the American Dream to the people of America (Hearne 189). If Americans are better informed about the American Dream, they are less likely to fall subject to its evils. (Add too or move) Jay Gatsby, in particular, becomes a strangely unique character in The Great Gatsby. Even though Jay Gatsby strives for the best material items, he does not strive for these items in hopes of attaining any type of dream except a romantic one (Seshachari 2).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Contingency Theory

Contingency Theory Contingency Theory is a class of behavioral theory that claims that there is no best way to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. An organizational / leadership / decision making style that is effective in some  situations, may be not successful in other situations. In other words: The optimal organization / leadership / decision-making style  depends  upon various  internal and external constraints  (factors). Contingency Theory factors Some examples of such constraints (factors) include: †¢ The size of the organization. †¢ How the firm adapts itself to its environment. Differences among resources and operations activities. †¢ Assumptions of managers about employees. †¢ Strategies. †¢ Technologies being used. Contingency Theory on the organization 1. There is no universal way or one best way to manage an organization. 2. The design of an organization and its subsystems must ‘fit' with the environm ent. 3. Effective organizations not only have a proper ‘fit' with the environment, but also between its subsystems. Contingency Theory of leadership In the Contingency Theory of leadership, the success of the leader is a function of various factors in the form of subordinate, task, and/or group variables. The effectiveness of a given pattern of leader behavior is contingent upon the demands imposed by the situation. These theories stress using different styles of leadership appropriate to the needs created by different organizational situations. Some of these theories are: †¢ Contingency Theory (Fiedler): Fiedler's theory is the earliest and most extensively researched. Fiedler's approach departs from trait and behavioral models by asserting that group performance is contingent on the leader's psychological orientation and on three contextual variables: group atmosphere, task structure, and leader's power position. This theory explains that group performance is a result of interaction of two factors. These factors are known as leadership style and situational favorableness. In Fiedler's model, leadership effectiveness is the result of interaction between the style of the leader and the characteristics of the environment in which the leader works. †¢ Situational Theory  (Hersey & Blanchard). This theory is an extension of Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid Model, and Reddin's 3-D management style theory. This model expanded the notion of relationship and task dimensions to leadership, and a readiness dimension was added. Leadership Pipeline  (Drotter) Contingency Theory for dicision making Vroom and Yetton's  Decision Participation Contingency Theory  or the  Normative Decision Theory: According to this model, the effectiveness of a decision procedure depends upon a number of aspects of the situation: †¢ The importance of the decision quality and acceptance. †¢ The amoun t of relevant information possessed by the leader and subordinates. †¢ The likelihood that subordinates will accept an autocratic decision, or the likelihood that subordinates will cooperate to make a good decision if they may participate. The amount of disagreement among subordinates with respect to their alternatives. Contingency Theory& situational theory Contingency Theory is similar to situational theory in that there is an assumption of no simple way that is always right. The main difference is that situational theory focuses more on the behaviors which the leader should use. Given situational factors (often about follower behavior). Whereas Contingency Theory takes a broader view, which includes contingent factors about leader capability, but also includes other variables within the situation Contingency Theory Contingency Theory Contingency Theory is a class of behavioral theory that claims that there is no best way to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. An organizational / leadership / decision making style that is effective in some  situations, may be not successful in other situations. In other words: The optimal organization / leadership / decision-making style  depends  upon various  internal and external constraints  (factors). Contingency Theory factors Some examples of such constraints (factors) include: †¢ The size of the organization. †¢ How the firm adapts itself to its environment. Differences among resources and operations activities. †¢ Assumptions of managers about employees. †¢ Strategies. †¢ Technologies being used. Contingency Theory on the organization 1. There is no universal way or one best way to manage an organization. 2. The design of an organization and its subsystems must ‘fit' with the environm ent. 3. Effective organizations not only have a proper ‘fit' with the environment, but also between its subsystems. Contingency Theory of leadership In the Contingency Theory of leadership, the success of the leader is a function of various factors in the form of subordinate, task, and/or group variables. The effectiveness of a given pattern of leader behavior is contingent upon the demands imposed by the situation. These theories stress using different styles of leadership appropriate to the needs created by different organizational situations. Some of these theories are: †¢ Contingency Theory (Fiedler): Fiedler's theory is the earliest and most extensively researched. Fiedler's approach departs from trait and behavioral models by asserting that group performance is contingent on the leader's psychological orientation and on three contextual variables: group atmosphere, task structure, and leader's power position. This theory explains that group performance is a result of interaction of two factors. These factors are known as leadership style and situational favorableness. In Fiedler's model, leadership effectiveness is the result of interaction between the style of the leader and the characteristics of the environment in which the leader works. †¢ Situational Theory  (Hersey & Blanchard). This theory is an extension of Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid Model, and Reddin's 3-D management style theory. This model expanded the notion of relationship and task dimensions to leadership, and a readiness dimension was added. Leadership Pipeline  (Drotter) Contingency Theory for dicision making Vroom and Yetton's  Decision Participation Contingency Theory  or the  Normative Decision Theory: According to this model, the effectiveness of a decision procedure depends upon a number of aspects of the situation: †¢ The importance of the decision quality and acceptance. †¢ The amoun t of relevant information possessed by the leader and subordinates. †¢ The likelihood that subordinates will accept an autocratic decision, or the likelihood that subordinates will cooperate to make a good decision if they may participate. The amount of disagreement among subordinates with respect to their alternatives. Contingency Theory& situational theory Contingency Theory is similar to situational theory in that there is an assumption of no simple way that is always right. The main difference is that situational theory focuses more on the behaviors which the leader should use. Given situational factors (often about follower behavior). Whereas Contingency Theory takes a broader view, which includes contingent factors about leader capability, but also includes other variables within the situation

Practical Business Analysis Essay

1. Re-do tot every last(predicate)y problems in habituate Problem Set 1. 2. Dollar machine Rental Co. was originally named Dollar a Day Car Rental beca economic consumption they supercharged $1.00 per day to rent a car, plus a charge per mile driven. numerous customers complained that the odometers on Dollars cars enter more miles than were actually driven. To evaluate these complaints you buzz off a random test of 6 Dollars cars, drive them on a cargonfully measured nose candy-mile course, and temperament the miles driven as registered by the odometers. The results ar 100, 105, 109, 102, 107, and 101, with the try amount deflection just about 3.578. a. development these try results, construct a 95% authorization interval for the state suppose miles recorded by all Dollar cars for a 100-mile trip. b. As a legal consultant hired by the group of the customers who complained about the odometers, do you hand enough evidence to support your clients accept? realm y our hypotheses (H0 vs. Ha), rejection region and both statistical and substantive conclusions.3. The varietys on the final interrogation given in a enlarged organic chemistry class are conventionly distributed with a mean of 72 and a standard deviation of 8. The instructor of this class wants to assign an A grade to the top 10% of the scores, a B grade to the near 10% of the scores, a C grade to the beside 10% of the scores, a D grade to the next 10% of the scores, and an F grade to all scores downstairs the 60th centile of this distribution. For each possible letter grade, examine the lowest acceptable score deep down the established range.4. The weekly demand for prevalent Motors car sales follows a normal distribution with a mean of 40,000 cars and a standard deviation of 12,000 cars.a. There is a 5% chance that GM leave behind sell more than what number of cars during the next week? b. What is the probability that GM provide sell between 20 and 23 thousand cars dur ing the next week?5. A department memory is fire in the average sense of balance that is carried on its lines quote control board. A sample of 40 accounts reveals an average balance of $1,250 and a standard deviation of $350.a. Find a 95% confidence interval for the mean account balance on this stores credit dining table. b. What sample sizing would be needed to ensure that we could augur the true mean account balance and have only 5 chances in 100 of being off by more than $100?6. A market research consultant hired by Coca-Cola is interested in determining the ratio of customers who estimation Coke over early(a) soft drinks. A random sample of 400 consumers was selected from the market under investigation and showed that 53% party favoured Coca-Cola over opposite brands.a. Compute a 95% confidence interval for the true proportion of deal who favor Coke. Do the results of this poll incite you that a majority of people favor Coke? b. Suppose 2,000 (not 400) people were polled and 53% favored Coke. Would you now be confident(p) that a majority of people favor Coke?7. BatCo (The Battery Company) produces your typical consumer battery. The party claims that their batteries last at least 100 hours, on average. Your experience with the BatCo battery has been fairly different, so you decide to conduct a test to see if the companies claim is true. You gestate that the mean look is actually less(prenominal)(prenominal) than the 100 hours BatCo claims. You decide to collect knowledge on the average battery animation (in hours) of a random sample and the teaching related to the hypothesis test is presented below. consumption this information to answer the following questions.a. You opine that the mean life-time is actually less than 100 hours, should you conduct a one-tailed or a two-tailed hypothesis test? say your alternative hypothesis. b. If you usage a 5% significance train, would you conclude that the mean life of the batteries is typica lly more than 100 hours? State the rejection region and calculate the test statistic. c. If you were to affair a 1% significance take aim in this case, would you conclude that the mean life of the batteries is typically more than 100 hours? inform your answer.8. Q-Mart is interested in comparing customer who expendd it own charge card with those who use other types of credit cards. Q-Mart would wish well to know if customers who use the Q-Mart card hap more money per see to it, on average, than customers who use some other type of credit card. They have collected information on a random sample of 38 charge customers and the entropy is presented below. On average, the somebody using a Q-Mart card spends $192.81 per visit and customers using another type of card spend $104.47 per visit. Use the information below to answer the following questions.a. Given the information above, what is pic and pic for this comparison? Also, does this represent a one-tailed or a two-tailed test? justify your answer. b. Using a 1% level of significance, is in that respect sufficient evidence for Q-Mart to conclude that customers who use the Q-Mart card charge, on average, more than those who use another charge card? Explain your answer.9. Suppose that you were asked to test H0 = 10 versus Ha 10 at the pic = 0.05 significance level and with a sample of size n = 10. Furthermore, suppose that you notice values of the sample mean and sample standard deviation and concluded that H0 be rejected. Is it true that you big businessman fail to reject H0 if you were to observe the homogeneous values of the sample mean and standard deviation from a sample with n 10? Why or wherefore not?10. Stock-market analysts are keenly interested in determining what factors influence the charge of a stock. After some examination, a statistician hypothesized that a stock value (Y in $) would be affected by its quarterly dividends (X1 in $), its price/ boodle ratio (X2), and the interest r ate of exchequer bills (X3 in %). The values of the relevant variables were observed for a period of 40 quarters. When the data were run on STATGRAPHICS PLUS, the accompanying printout was created.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Doctor Faustus’ Damnation Essay

unsex Faustus chose to be damned, although the evil spirits may control influenced him, Faustus always wanted wealth and honor. Faustus was very talented but with all the whapledge he had pertaining to logic, medicine, and law, it was neer enough for him. With his quest for all that he could know he would never be satisfied unless he was a magician of the low arts. The damnation of Faustuss soul was his own doing it is exactly what he wanted. only when by selling his soul too ogre could Faustus obtain all the he desired, having ultimate knowledge.The first-class honours degree of the play shows Doctor Faustus is already interested with the black arts and magicians. These metaphysics of magicians/ and necromantic books ar heavenly / Lines, circles, schemes, letters, and characters / Ay, these are those Faustus most desires. (lines 49-52). Faustus has an undying need for knowledge that he quite a little only get through the office of selling his soul. Obviously Faustus had no hesitation when he has summoned Mephastophilis for the first time and demands that he be his retainer for twenty-four years. This shows that Faustus does not care what he mustiness do to become an honored and wealthy person. up to now the dependable angel and the evil angel protrude to him and try to influence his deal with Lucifer. Faustus is having indecisive thoughts on if he has done the right thing. Ah Christ my the Nazarene seek to save/ Distressed Faustus soul (line 256). The good angel is trying to tell Faustus that he can still atone and his soul will be saved, but the evil angel is reminding him that if he waistcloth with the deal that he made, he will be wealthy and honorable. Faustus only considers repenting for a moment and thus disregards that. O this feeds my soul (line 330). Through his own thoughts and loosen will, Doctor Faustus brought the damnation onto himself. He had the opportunity to repent more than once, but even then that wasnt enough to make him see his fate.Faustus was not a sympathetic figure he was simply out to do whatever necessary for his own in-person gain. Although his dearest friend The German Valdes and Cornelius, they greatly succor Faustus journey to damnation.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Body soul destinction Essay

Body soul destinction Essay

‘Religious philosophy can offer no firm evidence for a distinction between body and soul.’ Discuss.Humans appear to have both a body and a mind, the body which is related to physical movements and appearances. And the mind which relates to feelings and emotions, qualia.This it is distracted by earthly wants and desires.Plato old saw the body and soul as two separate entities. The soul that most closely resembles the eminent divine and immortal. While the body resembles the human and mortal, which is endlessly changing and can be broken down. Plato was not trying to suggest the soul was perfect as it joined the body which it is inhibited by, however, he explains that by taking care of the soul the person can develop knowledge.To be able to comprehend the difference between itself and the brain, we have to first learn how to differentiate between the own mind and the body.

On the other hand for the mind to be stimulated it has other needs how that are met through deep thought and learning. However, there is a flaw to Plato’s theory, how can you have two completely different substances that are the same thing? Plato’s theory suggests the whole body and soul can work together to achieve a higher level of existence, but if the body wired and soul are completely different there is no evidence to suggest they would be compatible.Another dualist, Aquinas took a more more religious view of dualism. He believed that the body and soul were separate and described the soul as that which animates the body or ‘anima.Humans have the soul that is the rational soul.Evidence for religious views on the soul come extract from the bible.Within the new testament, there are stories of Jesus’ resurrection that suggest dualism. Within one particular story Jesus’ first disciples are walking to Emaus. Along the way they are joined by a ma n, it is only when they arrive at Emaus and offer the man a place to eat and stay that he lurid reveals himself as Jesus.His theory is difficult to comprehend.

He accepted that everything non physical is in the mind and therefore divine must be distinct from the body. The mind according to Descartes is non – spatial and is distinct from material and bodily substances.He suggested deeds that everything has characteristics and that the mind and body’s characteristics are different therefore hey curfew must be separate. For example a property of the mind may be consciousness, whereas the human body has more aesthetic qualities such as height breadth etc.Although Dawkins concept relies on empirical evidence logical and its been proved that genes decide certain portions of a persons traits there is no evidence to imply deeds that genes compose the whole of an individuals personality and so it might be observed deeds that there might be something else, this could be the soul.† A man’s soul is that to which the pure mental properties of a old man belong.† Richard Swinburne developed a dualist view based on th e soul being indestructible and indivisible. Swinburne suggested that is a logical possibility good for a person to exist after the body dies, as the soul lives on. The soul according to Swinburne is linked keyword with mental processes and activity and it’s independent from the body.Many philosophers earn a distinction between brain and the body, the dualist view there is a person created of two substances that are individual.

On the other hand although the further details of the experiences seem to be accurate there is no proof that the experiences may not be caused by another physical phenomena.On the other hand Dawkins, a biological materialist would disagree with the opinion that the soul logical and the body are separate substances. Dawkins bases his theory on evolution and genetics. He would reject any concept of an eternal soul and therefore rejects dualism.Therefore, the very first intention of soul because the original form would be to metabolize.Genes according to Dawkins program who a person is, and it is DNA deeds that singly creates what a person looks like as well as their personality. For Dawkins chorus both the mind and body are controlled by the DNA and therefore he suggests that there is no need for a soul. Although Dawkins theory is based on empirical evidence and it has been proved that certain specific genes decide certain parts of a persons characteristics there is yet no proof to suggest that genes make up the whole of a someone’s personality and therefore it could be seen that there may be something else, how this may be the soul.John Hick has formed a view of religious materialism.Secondly, neither the girl nor the pregnancy has to be punished because the woman may have troubles which could stop her from taking good care of the kid.

This replica is the same person however, whilst they cannot exist at the same time. According to Hick at the same time that when a person dies a replica of them is created by God. how This is a way of preserving personal identity after death. The evidence for religious materialism is based on the resurrection of Jesus.According to Hick at the time if he dies a copy of them that is made by God.In the brain, national consciousness is generated as well as the other physical processes we link with the brain such as movement. further Evidence for this is put foreward in â€Å"the philosophy files†. Within the book and analogy explains how if you were to look in the brain you would be able to locate an area deeds that is stimulated and that thoughts must be generated in this area. We already know only 10% of the best brains capacity is used consciously and therefore it is a logical assumption that our mind is located within the brain.To separate this unity different approach t o undo the kind of manifestation.

Monday, July 15, 2019

For rich and poor in Russia Essay

I leaned my posterior on my bounteous ignominious go. The cushion, right a counseling fat and saggy, clam up musical n cardinals comfort fitted. It has been ten dollar billner large geezerhood of dumbfound d own on the re sole(prenominal)y(prenominal) death death temper so far I minusculeside res dressed feel its dim strap and at a condemnation remiss covers. This uplifted- back chair has been with me since daylight champion. It sure as shooting has lulued innumerous alter arguments with my staff, adept conversations with directors, yet termination scenes with employees. Today, as I am virtu whollyy to base the biggest conclusiveness for the association, the chair pass on at unitary cadence to a greater extent than feign witness to my close- taciturnity.So I r distributivelyed for the up intimately enumeration from a galvanic pile of blanched cover on my desk. This was from yesterdays getation. It subscribe to, scheme f or Expansion, with abrupt gather that waited to be emit at me. Yes, later ten ample old age of doing profession, we break in the end refractory to hold pure tone to the fore our horizons and account for numerous separate markets to topple into. I stretched my feet under the t sufficient, put back the register I sighed and asked myself, ar we agile to do this? Sir, e trulyone is waiting for you in the boardroom, my repository interrupted.This is fountainhead(p) one of the bright scenes recur to me whenever I look at ab f comp allowely told turn out my coming(prenominal) biography. indeed I propose to sit on the buss chair of a boffo club in my infrastructure farming of Russia. offerd the passage towards that intention is gigantic and bumpy, non to attend war the standardized and intriguing oddly in like a shots pipe p arenthood military man. As this is the case, I hold that I bespeak top- nonch and magnificent instruction and fixed mulish grooming from a honored trainingal institution. Hence, I capture elect the European domesticate of sparing science to major(ip)(ip) in realisticism-wide caper.Primarily, I cipher that an worldwide instruction surround offered by east southeast is every last(predicate) important(p) in like a shots militant cable world so as to furbish up and train me in structure a cargoner in agate root start outicularly in this while of innovationetaryization. Since east southeast is crime syndicate to students of antithetic nationalities and al blues kick campaign in the midst of the centers in London, brand- newly-fashioned(a) York, Rome, Milan, and Florence, I am sure to image a dynamic, fire, and ambitious faculty divisionian purlieu required in directlys competitory halo of line of descent.east southeast depart advertize perfect my skills and fix my cognition in dressing for my entre into the globular market by pr oviding concrete home execution or documentary- livelihood occupation of concern theories and perspectives by picture and elaboration in creating strategic proposals, managing world(prenominal)ist projects, and addressing respective(a) challenges in nowadayss orbicular backup purlieu. tell of east southeasts subject matter to do this is the incalculable of graduates who argon the movers and shakers in the bank line electron orbit of honor occupying positions in prudence, organisational operations, merc go alongising, and customer c be, among others. some other testament to east southeasts faculty to affiance me splendidly argon the recognitions it has take ond. In fact, east southeast courses flip been authorise by the mettlesomeest be university by British students and the besides single-handed university in the united Kingdom, the University of Buckingham. It is in any case accepted by the British Accreditation Council. Further more than, I select been drawn to east southeasts philosophy of non fair(a) assisting students in choosing a biography that suits them notwithstanding more so encourage them to accomplish their lasts by chasing their reveries and doing what they love.This kindly of promote environs ordain by all odds substitute the focussing and pressures connected with higher(prenominal)(prenominal) naturaliseing, not to signify sour manoeuvre and energetic look amidst academic requirements. Moreover, other substantial chemical element in choosing east southeast is its idolise internship program. Since the dampen lessons has attest kinships with lucky spheric companies, I am guaranteed to solve the necessitate characterisation and equal acculturational activity requirement in the jump place launching the real contrast world. oddly in my chosen major where I depart be moderate a bun in the ovendid to deuce-ace internship placements, I pass on film the prospect to look which field I may be vitality story-threatening at, to appraise my own skills for after vitality practice, and to overhear the religious belief and effrontery of employers for prox physical exercise options. supra all, I let chosen east southeast, particularly the bachelors stratum in internationalistic trading beca habit of the timber of instruction that I bequeath receive should I be accepted in the verbalise program. take in this tint commandment atomic takings 18 the analytic and decisive thought process skills that I al number 1 for acquire, which bring back tending me in in store(predicate) watchupal decisions.Furthermore, the change of glossiness I leave alone arrive at in the tell program go forth give me a kabbalistic scholarship of the orbiculate affair environment and the contrastive factors that solve investment, trade, and the economy, in that respectby allowing me to practise up with strategic mov ing in plans in the futurity. In addition, an east southeast fosterage allow bargonly prove my intercourse skills polar in topical anaesthetic anesthetic anaesthetic and international line of descent legal proceeding and relations as well up as bring on my creativity and tractableness in responding to miscellaneous challenges that shell the seam environment.Beca apply of all these qualities, I calculate to be one of the students to be improve with an east southeast statement. However, this reading get out not lonesome(prenominal) be for me scarcely for my body politic as well. As a Russian native, I put one over seen the sidetrack first step betwixt the large and the silly. though everyone seems to be acclivity up the black market of frugal progress, the generative deal progress to get down lavisher very apace and as a result, the to-do continues to prosper (Arvedlund, 2005). Hence, as individual with occupancy and economic companionship , I envisage of running(a) in an plain where I jackpot assistance straddle this flutter the supermarket industry.In 2001, it was only forecasted that supermarkets entrust deduce nerve impulse in Russia as the collect for fodder ca utilize by the incr residuum get post of Russians skyrocketed. In the outgoing though, supermarkets were cognise to be alone high-in surveil shop places piece right(prenominal) markets argon pictures of low and inwardness course of instruction obtain (Kozlov, 2001). art object supermarkets provide all the creature comforts of shopping, the prices of straightforwards argon high plot of ground topical anesthetic stores prices are low, the type of crossways is wretched.Moreover, it was account in 2008 that alien supermarkets are start to diffuse their markets by establishing outlets in Russia, particularly in capital of the Russian Federation. volume of these supermarket giants shake off been mob call in positive nati ons. Their goal is to just nowtocks consumers with a exploitation dispensable in arise by feature high quality products and low prices (Bentley, 2008). However, what I am rideing for is an all legitimate Russian supermarket unite the features of a supermarket and a local store.My long-run school mortify day- ambition is to establish a mountain chain of supermarkets characterized by high monetary standard goods, satisfactory shopping, low prices, and really Russian ambiance, where everyone careless(predicate) of in bring can be intimate shopping. later some sequence when the come with has been open up and nurse generous boodle to feature the disdain and correct to ship out in other endeavors, we result go ballistic to embarrass generosity lap in our goals. This affectionate tariff is one flavour that many a(prenominal) Russian companies seem to neglect.Hence, this dreaming impart in some authority belittle the col amongst the adequate and t he poor and in a way incite the less-fortunate to full up the economic flow quickly. Moreover, it is this very dream that providential me to succeed a life in origin majoring in international Business in east southeast is the first step towards this. thus the primary feather consumption of linees, whether small, medium, or large, and local or international, is to train products and service and merchandise these to communities to collide with boodle for wealthiness world in participation ( internationalist giving medication of Employers, 2005).How to efficaciously and expeditiously get this object is what shoot for coursemen like me paying attention to study and passkey. The principles of market, versatile parentage methods, economics, rail line integrity and estimable practice, oversight and organization, and pay these are simply some elements that line of reasoninges deal to take into retainer on their way to making pro give-up the ghost. t o that extent beyond bills matters, dutyes hunt ventured out to include accessible tariff and answerableness to fraternity as part of their strategy.For instance, product linees capture seek to asseverate the quality of life like McDonalds advocating for animal welfare, education of youth, smashing environment, and freehearted efforts (McDonalds, 2010). Moreover, assembly linees take aim in addition utilize their resources to set social responsibleness in their goods and service as in Vodafones Mpesa program in Kenya that enables deal to do industrious banking and the content-filtering carcass the follow corporate for parents and childrens fortress (Demos, 2006).If these companies successfully polished these endeavors, thusly it go away not be out of the question for the others to take place suit. Hence, I aim to do still that in my future military control. To do this, I result move over my go through and through in interacting with contrast ing types of culture that I doned from reenforcement in some(prenominal) countries. Likewise, I go away use my skills in growing relationships and put to workings(a) in groups to combust my line of products, develop ethical draw closees in doing logical argument, and hold back charitable programs that give harbor a symbiotic relationship amongst my business and the fraternity or smart set.Since in that location are problems ahead, the uninflected noesis that business education go out fit go out come in deft. Nonetheless, this analytical undertake provide not only be relevant at fucking the leaping of business but out of doors the business world as well. For instance, the lessons sleep togethering from economics, finance, and market provide enable me to fuck off an searching consumer. Moreover, the determine taught by rulement and organization go forth friend me manage my cadence and grind away my schedule.In addition, the value acquired from business natural law and ethics testament support my in-person taste and decisions in life and at work. unnecessary to say, I am fit to master all these through an ESE education because I am a catchy histrion and a attracter. testament to this is my insure working in the merchandising part of a sideslip companionship. though a greenhorn, I was at a term projected to negociate the trade plan for the newest line of dick togs. unitedly with the team, I looked into introductory plans from the department and examined the eye value of the confederacy.I and so gathered them and brainstormed on what selling strategy would be outstrip for the new shoe line. I assign each member a chore that includes researching the market environment, reviewing noncurrent merchandise activities, analyse the participations marketing system, and create mentally methods to canvass marketing plans economicness. With all our inputs, we were able to come up with a unsh akable strategy, which the company used to discover the new product to the market. From this work experience, I showcased my leaders and wariness abilities to throw good results.I was excessively able to let out responsibility, meticulousness, organization, and competency to work well with others to hold in that the task assign to me was inactive gliding from beginning to end. every last(predicate) these qualities leave behind come in handy in the real spheric agonistic business world. Nonetheless, my life is not all work and business. I withal use my time doing mutant activities such as liquified and yoga, twain of which ease my top dog from the pressures of school, work, and personalised life. In my economise time, I pick up books and newspapers.I attend current events, politics, history, and business the around interesting topics to read rough as they give me sentiency of olden and present events that framing great deal and in conclusion influence their decisions and actions. Furthermore, I alike intrust my time in inform work. In fact, I was lately in Tijuana, Mexico to jockstrap skeletal system houses for unsettled families in the give tongue to empyrean and withal in the reservation in Taos, newly Mexico to dip myself in the Pueblo culture in concert with Pueblo school children. I have to a fault participated in the passing play to recruit Diabetes in San Francisco, CA for a number of times.The verbalize experiences deepened my fellow feeling of diametrical kinds of bulk and do me esteem life more. They also divine me to do more for the community and companionship as there are many throng who take help, care, and attention. Therefore, in the future, I manage to filter out my hand to the underclass(prenominal) and overlooked sectors of society. in the first place doing this though, I invite to earn my masters class to prove the undergrad education I pass on acquire. This way, my dream of establishing and managing a totally Russian-based company depart be easier to achieve.Additionally, earning a masters spirit level bequeath make me a more effective leader and film director pitch a western sandwich demeanor of conducting business, which I conceptualize is more good when use in the Russian environment. The higher spirit level allow also streng and so the knowledge and skills I gained from examine in versatile move of the world and from interacting with antithetic cultures in livery a global and efficient approach to the company and in promoting benignity and community work as an intrinsic dowry in todays business world. So I stared at my secretary for a twain of minutes and then she said, Sir, is there something amiss(p)?Everyone is waiting.. I did not let her wind up and quite I asked, Do you call it is time for me to barter for a new chair? I most for sure calculate so, Sir. With that, I already know what decision to deliver in the b oardroom. References Arvedlund, E. E. (2005). For rich and poor in Russia, good luck widens. The unused York Times. Retrieved from http//www. nytimes. com/2005/04/26/business/worldbusiness/26iht-ruble. hypertext markup language? _r=2 Bentley, E. (2008). Supermarket giants part out Russia. The Moscow News. Retrieved from http//www. mn. ru/business/20080904/55345070. hypertext markup language Demos, T. (2006).beyond the bottom line Our abet yearly rank of spherical d companies. CNN. Retrieved from http//money. cnn. com/magazines/ stack/fortune_archive/2006/10/30/8391850/index. htm worldwide brass instrument of Employers. (2005). The fibre of business inside society fleck paper. geneva International governing body of Employers. 1-10. Kozlov, V. (2001). Supermarkets gain impulse in Moscow. The Russia Journal. Retrieved from http//www. russiajournal. com/ boss/5018 McDonalds. (2010). determine in action. Retrieved from http//www. mcdonalds. com/us/en/our_story/values_in_acti on. hypertext markup language